Thursday, March 22, 2007

And So It Goes....

Greetings and Salutations to all.

Well, it’s been a crappy week since last Thursday. As I put thought to post last week, we had (and I hope) the last snow/ice/sleet storm of the season. It’s officially Spring now, and I hope it stays that way. Ahh, I should be happy, we’ve only had about 7 inches of crap this winter, a lot better than in year’s past. Nothing puts a damper on things than snow – mix it with ice and sleet and you just add more fuel on the fire. What a hack it was to remove more than an inch of ice off the cars. Standing there pounding away with the $3 scrapper just to get some small little space on the windshield so you can see out of it.

I’m just glad it was 70 degrees today, bring on the warm weather. Bring on the sun! Bring on softball! Bring on drinking in the front yard with the neighbors…..ahhhh!

Saturday as we all know it was Saint Patrick’s Day. Usually a great day to celebrate and enjoy but because of the ice storm, the day was drab to say the least. Besides the aforementioned ice chipping, the rest of the day was boring in food shopping and chores. Dinner was Kentucky Fried Chicken. Yes, KFC for dinner. What? No corn beef and cabbage? That would be on Sunday. I think the luck of the Irish was with me when ordering/picking up my food at KFC, in that upon unpacking at home, I had more food than I purchased in my bag. So be it; we enjoy it for dinner on Saturday and leftovers on Monday.

Sunday was at Mom’s and we dine and feasted on the world’s best corn beef! MMMMMM mmmmmm good. Potatoes, cabbage and authentic Irish soda bread to boot. Washed it down with some Guinness. Ahhhhhh! Sorry all no leftovers to be had.

This week’s money tip is more about protecting yourself from Identity Theft. Here are 2 websites that will help you:

Here you can delete yourself from getting those annoying pre-approved Credit Card offers in the mail. Just follow the instructions, print the form, sign it and mail it back. Trust me it works – takes from 8-12 weeks from processing to stop the offers, but it does work.

The other site is:

This is the Direct Marketers Association website where you can delete yourself from getting all that junk mail. If you like junk mail or have a purpose for it, (i.e. burn it in the fireplace) then you can just skip this site.


Yes! (In the Marv Albert voice) – My friend Dennis has just started his blog:

He is into sci-fi (Hugh trekkie!) and other things of the same genre. So let’s show him some love and visit his blog from time to time. I’ll post the link in my links section so it will be easier to visit.

Alas with the warm weather we head into softball season. Last year was a transition year in that we lost some key members and had a managerial change. The new manager (Dennis from above) was great but our downfall was attendance by some members, some key injuries and of course the missing players. Hopefully this year, our old manager Bryan is back at the helm and we’re adding some new powerful Bats into the lineup – we’ll make it back to Championship Game like we did 2 years ago!!

Check us out on the web at:

And in closing I leave this “Classic” and I mean classic video of Duque on the diamond:

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Finally to the person who emailed me and told me not to blog anymore (you know who you are!) I say and do the following:

Cross hatch of my arms above my genitals and say “SUCK IT!”

Tonight's post brought to you by Red Stripe (Jamaican for Beer Man!)
Tonight's post brought to you by the Letter M.
Tonight's post brought to you by the Number 28.
Nuff said!!


Frakkin Talos said...


Thanx for the Kudos.

I love the Trash video. Who sent that to you?


Anonymous said...

Nice fill someone in on and this mail helped me alot in my college assignement. Gratefulness you as your information.