Thursday, March 29, 2007

In The Light

Greetings and Salutations to all.

Well, well, well what a difference a week makes. Tuesday was 75 degrees and what did I do? You got it - Drinking in the front yard with the neighbors. I think this should be a rite of passage for every home owner. Nothing more special than drinking beers, shooting the shit, rocking out to some fine tunes, sitting in your favorite chair with feet up…..ahhhhh – Now this – This is Miller Time!

And no we weren’t drinking Miller – not that I don’t like Miller Genuine Draft, but we were consuming Imperials from Costa Rica.

Sunday, I was able to take to the field and umpire for the 1st time this year. The day started crappy as the field I was suppose to work was soaked. After calling the league and moving to a nearby field, I got underway about 30-45 minutes later than I wanted to. The 4 teams that I umpired were so-so. Two were horrible and the other two were better than average. My problem was that the better than average teams had chances to finish off the weaker teams and in turn, screwed up and let them back into the game. A ploy perhaps? I doubt it; these guys need to tune-up their “A” Game and had no time for “Tom Foolery”.

This week’s money tip is about cleaning up your financial house:
- Six Steps for Financial Spring Cleaning

A great article – I follow all these rules and they have helped me and I hope they help you. Numbers 2 and 6 I feel are the most important. In this day of ID theft and scams – nothing beats being on top of your credit report. Check it every year regardless if your credit is perfect or not.

I made a web purchase this week that well if you drink coffee you’ll understand. Back in 2005 on my honeymoon, my wife and I had the pleasure of visiting Hawaii. I highly recommend visiting the 50th State. The people, the culture, the way of life, the language are unto themselves. It’s almost like visiting a new country. A good laugh here – while on vacation there – it happened to be the 4th of July (America’s Birthday). We ate and drank from the balcony of our hotel room while watching the fireworks. Earlier I had ordered room service and the voice on the other end wished me a Happy 4th of July. I wished the person the same and hung up. It then hit me. First – it’s very rare that someone in NY would say that exact phrase. At most you would get “Enjoy your holiday!” Second and I think the most relevant was that Hawaii has only been a state for 46 years, unlike the original colonies who had been a state for over 225 years. Just weird, I guess you had to be there.

Anyway, I purchased some Hawaiian coffee and look forward to drinking it in the next few weeks. I will post about after I open it. You can order here at:

How about this for fun:

Tonight's post brought to you by Guinness.
Tonight's post brought to you by the Letter J.
Tonight's post brought to you by the Number 80.
Nuff said!!

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